
A selection from more than 70 published articles and chapters in books 

Chapter on ‘The “greater delight”: gardens, plants and flowers and the Tudor and Early Stuart Court’ in Susannah Lydon-Whaley, ed, Beautiful Blossoms at the Tudor and Stuart Courts: Floral Culture in Early Modern England (Amsterdam University Press, 2024).

‘Response to Roy Strong, ‘The Renaissance Garden in England Reconsidered: A Survey of Two Decades of Research on the Period 1485-1642’ in Garden History 50:1 (50th Anniversary Special Issue, Autumn, 2022), 134-140.

Chapter on ‘Gardens’ in Early Modern Court Culture, ed. Erin Griffey (Routledge, 2022), 156-171.

‘Francis Bacon, Vicomte de Saint Alban: OF GARDENS’, Des Jardins & Des Livres, Michael Jakob, ed.  (Métis Presses and Fondation Martin Bodmer, 2018), 68-69.

‘ “Splendid Houses”: Elite Living in Tudor and early Stuart London’ in Architect, Patron and Craftsman in Tudor and Early Stuart England: Essays for Malcolm Airs, ed. P S Barnwell and Paula Henderson (Shaun Tyas, 2017), 75-94.

‘ “Elysian Fields Such as the Poets Dreamed Of”: The Mughal Garden in the Early Stuart Mind’ in The Gardens of Renaissance Europe and the Islamic Empires, ed. Mohammad Gharipour (Penn State University Press, 2017).

Chapter on ‘The Gardens and Park’ (with Richard Wheeler) in Hardwick Hall: A Great Old Castle of Romance, eds. David Adshead and David Taylor (The National Trust and Yale University Press, 2016).

Chapter on 'Gardens' for The Cambridge Guides to the Worlds of Shakespeare, Volume I: Shakespeare’s World, edited by Bruce R. Smith (Cambridge University Press and on line, 2016), 425-34.

‘England and Gardens of the East’, London Art History Society Review (2015), 6-7.

Essay on ‘banqueting houses’ for the Oxford Companion to Sweets, edited by Darra Goldstein (published by Oxford University Press, 2014).

Chapter on ‘The evolution of the early gardens of the Inns of Court’, The Intellectual and Cultural World of the Early Modern Inns of Court, J. E. Archer, E. Goldring and S. Knight, eds., (Manchester University Press, 2011 and reprinted in paperback, 2013), 179-98.

‘Clinging to the Past: medievalism in Tudor gardens’, Renaissance Studies (2011).

‘Elysian Fields such as the poets dreamed of’: The Mughal garden in the Early Stuart mind’, The British Art Journal (Spring, 2010).

Chapter on ‘Garden Ornament’ in Art Collecting and Lineage in The Elizabethan Age: The Lumley Inventory and Pedigree, ed. Mark Evans (London: The Roxburghe Club, 2010), 51-54.

‘Sir Francis Bacon’s essay, “Of Gardens” in context’, Garden History 36:1 (Spring, 2008), 59-84.  

Chapter on ‘A Place to “Cultivate the Soul”: The Idea of the Villa in the Sixteenth and Early-Seventeenth Centuries’ in The Renaissance Villa in Britain 1500-1700, eds. Malcolm Airs and Geoffrey Tyacke (Salisbury, 2007), 25-37.

‘Tudor and Early Stuart Banqueting Houses’, The Magazine Antiques (June, 2006), 76-85.

‘Robert Cecil, First Earl of Salisbury, and the Gardens at Hatfield House', Museum of Garden History Journal  (Summer, 2005).

Chapter on ‘A Shared Passion: the Cecils and their Gardens’, Patronage, Culture and Power: the early Cecils, ed. Pauline Croft (Studies in British Art 8; The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art and The Yale Center for British Art, New Haven and London, 2002), 99-120.

‘Location, location, location!: William Cecil’s House in the Strand’ (with Jill Husselby), Architectural History (2002).

Essays on ‘Arbor’, ‘Bacon, Sir Francis’, ‘Buildings, Garden’, ‘Formal Garden Style’, ‘Furniture, Garden’,  and ‘Pleasance’ in The Encyclopedia of Gardens: History and Design (published for the Chicago Botanic Garden by Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, 2001).

‘Maps of Cranborne Manor in the 17th Century’, Architectural History, vol. 44 (2001), 358-64.

‘England’s Earliest Garden Plan?’ (with Jill Husselby), Country Life CXCIV (March 23, 2000), 144-5.

‘Icons of the Age: the Loggia’, Gardens Illustrated (November, 2000).

Chapter on ‘The Visual Setting of the English Country House: 1500-1625’, Architecture, Jardin, Paysage,  (Actes du colloque tenu à Tours du 1 au 4 juin 1992), ed. Jean Guillaume (Picard, 1999), 207-18.

Chapter on ‘The Loggia in Tudor and Early Stuart England: The Adaptation and Function of Classical Form’, Albion’s Classicism, ed. Lucy Gent (Studies in British Art 2; The Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art; Yale University Press, 1995), 109-45.

‘The Architecture of the Tudor Garden’, Garden History, (Summer, 1999).

‘Secret Houses and Garden Lodges’, Apollo (July, 1997).

Chapter on ‘Escape from Formality in the 16th Century English Country House’, Architecture et vie sociale: l'organisation intérieure des grandes demeures a la fin du Moyen Age et a la Renaissance (Actes du colloque tenu à Tours du 6 au 10 juin 1988), ed. Jean Guillaume (Picard, 1994), 269-77.

‘Sir Francis Bacon's Water Gardens at Gorhambury’, Garden History, (December, 1992).

‘The Bamboo Curtain’, The World of Interiors (September, 1988): wrote text and provided all photographs for article on Japanese fences.

‘The Roof of the World’, Landscape (January, 1988):  text and provided all photographs for article on Ladakh, India.

‘Overlooking the Garden’, Country Life, (May 19, 1988), 182-86:  mounts.

‘Tree-top Conceits’, Country Life (December 25, 1986): Renaissance tree-houses.

‘Vidua Was Here’, Country Life (June 19, 1986): 19th century graffiti in Egypt.

‘Life at the Top’, Country Life (January 3, 1985):  Tudor and early Stuart roofscapes.

Forthcoming articles and chapters in books include

Author (with Kathleen Poole and Marcella Zimmerman) and Editor, Gardens of Nantucket (Globe Piquot, 2027).

Chapter on the gardens of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, in volume celebrating the 500th anniversary of Burghley“s birth, ed. Janet Dickenson (Boydell and Brewer, 2026).

Review: David Jacques, Tudor and Stuart Royal GardensGarden History, 2025.

Review: Todd Longstaffe-Gowant, Lost Gardens of London, LAMAS Transactions, 2025.





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